How are you using technology in your early years program?

Home Forums Supporting Technology How are you using technology in your early years program?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Website Administrator 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #643 Reply
    #649 Reply

    Hi there! Some of the great apps showcased or recommended at last night’s iPad Project Coffee & Dessert Cafe can be found on the iPads in the Early Years Resources page, in the Resources & Links area.

    #662 Reply

    PicTapGo is one of the apps recommended by Joanne Marie Babalis, a kindergarten teacher, teacher-librarian, PhD student, AQ instructor at York University, and facilitator of the Thinking & Learning Time Made Visible: iPhoneography & Portfolios sessions offered by the ECCDC. It has lots of stackable filters and crop tools and works fast; great for quick photo-documentation!

    #664 Reply

    Looking for more free apps for your documentation efforts? Here are a few more as recommended by Joanne Marie Babalis: InstaEditor; InstaEffects; PhotoCollage; or Snapseed !

    #668 Reply

    Website Administrator

    Some tips for good photodocumentation:

    • A photo should centre on the meaningful content, not “space”; try to frame subject.
    • Watch your angles – sometimes a birds-eye view is better than at your subject’s level, and sometimes not.
    • Use filters for interesting effects.
    • Take caution regarding permissions, backgrounds, security, anonymity.
    • What the picture is to be used for determines how casual or formal it should / can be.
    • Pre-plan your photos but also take impromptu ones – they can always be cropped, which often makes for the best captured moments!
    #723 Reply

    Here’s an article you might find interesting, forwarded to us by Dane Marco di Cisare, our iPads in the Early Years training sessions facilitator: Seven Myths About Young Children and Technology.

    #733 Reply

    To aid your photo documentation, some tips for good photos from Shari Hill, Early Learning & Resource Consultant here at the ECCDC: keep them simple; make sure lens is clean; look at others’ collections, magazines, movie cinematography; learn a new photo technique and test it out in an ordinary, every day situation; make a neutral, uninteresting subject become interesting; commit to taking one photo per day and when you do, look in all directions; look online for photo challenges for inspiration!

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