Project Components

  • Project participants completed a 30-minute pre-project survey examining existing beliefs in relation to technology and children’s learning.
  • Mandatory attendance at 3 group training sessions: (a) Welcome & Introduction to Project and iPad Technology Orientation; (b) Supporting Language and Literacy with iPads in Early Years Settings; and (c) Using iPads for Photos, Videos, and Other Special Features; as well as an optional Troubleshooting session later in the project.
  • Observation visits consisting of a researcher completing a scan of the environment to examine existing and developing use of the iPads within the classroom context (i.e. technology access, technology for administration, children’s learning with technology, teacher-child interactions) and photo documentation at both the start and end of the project.
  • Weekly participation in a private group, secure, password-protected Blog for educators to share thoughts, insights, anecdotes, reflections, etc. related to the use of iPads
  • a 30-minute online post project survey.
